Today we'll talk about men's clothes in the Regency era, which occurred about two hundred years ago in England. This post is a primer on the subject, because I'm no expert. But in order for my stories to ring true, I must know how to dress--and undress--my hero.
Our modern world began to take shape in the Regency. Many facets of the era are recognizable to our eyes, including men's clothes.
Here’s a list the Regency gentleman's wardrobe, and the modern equivalent

undershirt--no equivalent
belt--no equivalent
boxer shorts--drawers
trousers--breeches, pantaloons, trousers (the Regency gentleman had 3 lengths)
socks--stockings (not quite the same)
Fabrics of choice were wool and linen because they were produced in the British Isles. Imported fabrics, like silk, and our everyday workhorse material, cotton, were luxury items and used mainly by the rich.
Here's a description of male attire from my Regency time travel, Lady of the Stars. The twenty-first century heroine, Caroline, gets her first good look at the Regency hero, Richard:
Good heavens, the aggravating man was gorgeous. Tall and slim, his broad shoulders tapered to narrow hips and long legs. But where had he found that outlandish outfit? He wore a top hat, out here in the middle of nowhere. His shirt collar was turned up and he wore a huge white tie. And his waist-length, double-breasted jacket had tails, like the one an orchestra conductor wore. Muddy black boots with the tops turned down came up to his knees. Skintight trousers, or were those breeches--of all things?--emphasized every well-formed muscle.
This passag

The Regency hero--a handsome man with a great physique and gorgeous clothes. What a fantasy. Stay tuned for part 2.
Thank you all,
Excellent information, Linda! I'm fascinated by fashion throughout history and the Regency era is my favorite.
No belt? lol But like you said, the good looking guys must have looked fantastic - I shudder to think how the others looked in all that tight clothing lol.
Hi Tricia. I like fashion, too. Especially Regency fashion, which I think is very attractive for both men and women.
Yes, catslady, no belts. You're right, you have to be in shape to look good in tight clothes.
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