Today, my guest is fellow romance author, Kaye Manro. Red Rose Publishing has just released her very first book, Forbidden Love, a Science Fiction romance.
Kaye found me after I had sold my first novella. I knew zip about promo, and she very kindly befriended a befuddled me. In those first days when just about nobody came to my blog, Kaye always did, and I'm grateful. She's hosted me on her blog for both my releases, and now I'm happy to return the favor.
Welcome, Kaye!
Thank you for inviting me to your blog today, Linda. I am so happy to be your guest!
I’m Kaye Manro and Linda and I met when her book, Lady of the Stars, released at The Wild Rose Press last year. I offered to feature her on my blog. (I even spelled her last name wrong, and she graciously said nothing!)
Today she is featuring my new release, Forbidden Love. There is a common thread running though our two books. That is the element of Science Fiction Romance. Even though her book is a historical time travel, and mine is about an alien who crashes his spacecraft on a distant planet, they both still have unique Sci-fi elements.
You may wonder exactly what Science Fiction Romance (SFR) is. In reality, the genre has been around for a long time, even before the Mother of Science Fiction Romance, Anne McCaffrey, penned The Ship Who Sang, and The Restoree, among other classics back in the 1960’s. SFR actually dates all the way back to the 1930’s.
Recently a redefining of the genre has taken place. Here is a simple explanation of how it is classified, coined by the newly formed SFR Brigade: Science Fiction Romance (SFR) is any original work of fiction that contains futuristic or imaginative settings where technology not magic, and human or alien characters are the focus, not vampires, werewolves or other traditional fantasy characters.
My book, Forbidden Love released on May 13 at Red Rose Publishing, and is in the true vein of Science Fiction Romance.
Forbidden Love Blurb:
T’Kon from the planet Asconage is on a peaceful mission studying a distant world known as Terrain. When his spacecraft crashes into its desert, a female named Maya gives him aid, and a passionate attraction grows between them. To avoid detection by the warring factions governing her world, he must repair his damaged craft and leave. Will T’Kon take Maya with him, or will he set forth without her and forsake their emerging Forbidden Love?
Forbidden Love Excerpt:
Something cool and clammy grazed her arm, causing a shiver. He sat on the edge of her exam table, his face no longer tinged with the pale blueness she observed earlier; rather, a deep russet color washed him.
Maya stared at the alien awake and alive, his lean muscles tensing as he stretched.
Slanted sliver blue-flecked eyes peered at her holding a puzzled look, a haunting icy glare.
“I—I’m Dr. Maya Belle,” she cleared her throat. “I found you hurt in the desert near here so I brought you to my lab—my home.” She squinted and sucked in a mouthful of air. “Who are you? It’s a foregone conclusion you’re not from this world. Where do you come from?” She tilted her head. “Do you understand me?”
Suddenly his thoughts tumbled into her mind.
“I am T’Kon and my mission is one of peace. My cloaked spacecraft malfunctioned and crashed into your planet’s surface. You do know where it is.” She sensed his uneasy pause and then, “You will take me there.” It sounded too much like a command to her.
Yeah right, she thought and immediately tried to recant the notion. But it was too late. His icy gaze narrowed on her. Clawed fingers grasped a firm hold around her wrist. He emphasized one word. “Now.”
Bio for Kaye Manro
As a romance author, I lean toward the adventuresome in my writing. I love science fiction and all the enticing quantum theories surrounding it. Where characters rush through outer space at Faster than Light speed, or teleport into another time, and even slipstream into an alternate reality. I like creating love scenes too with strong heroes, and captivating heroines. It just seemed natural to combine all these elements together in my stories and write (SFR) Science Fiction Romance.
I hope you enjoy reading Forbidden Love my new SFR.
Kaye’s Website: http://sfr.kayemanro.com/
Kaye’s Blog: http://kayemanro.blogspot.com/
For those of you who want to know heat levels, Forbidden Love is classified as erotic romance.
Hi Kaye, thanks for coming over. I hope you sell tons!
Thanks for featuring me on your blog, Linda! It's good to finally get my book published and stop by here to talk about it!
I don't think I actually new the true definition of SFR. *slaps to forehead*
Thanks Angela for stopping by! I'm glad I could share that so others will know.
And to the person whose comment I can't read-- Thanks for stopping by!
I'm loving this blog tour...can't wait to pick up my copy of this book.
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